
Thursday, November 26, 2009

最近心裏一直在承受一些比較負面的人類的比較不負責任的行爲所帶來的疑問。。。常在想,如果現在的網際網絡還像當初那樣的只有ICQ...............hm......還有其他的聊天室的軟体忘了什麽名...不懂現在的年輕人的社會會是如何的一個成長環境...會否與我等相同??? 不得而知。。。或許這又是一個不該被提問的文明社會的問題。。。


現今社會的“盲人”(忙人)。。。已陶醉在自己的“忙”(盲)目及“盲”(忙)碌裏。。。不再追問什麽是責任, 自己開心最重要。。。借此已把發洩當成是日常生活的一部分,已把所謂的“前因後果”以“前因”及“後果”的方式把這詞深深的烙印在心裏。。。現代版的“因爲。。。所以。。。 ”的造句就從原本的:“因爲那前因的發生而產生今天這後果” 變成了“因爲前因導致我心裏鬱悶,所以我要發洩。” 就這樣把“後果”給忘了。。。好好的一段“因果”戀就這樣被無辜的拆散了。。。

更可悲的事,今天的網際網絡科技原是古代和現代科學家,為拉近來自遠處的對方的距離的偉大的發明。。。但這個時刻“它”卻不斷地被他人精明的, 狡猾的,準確的,完全的,黑心的用於他人心裏私欲的一把“利劍”


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

During this silence night...cold air's keep whining in my ear...keep whispering about many things that happened these days reminding me on those critical moments...with this square keys i communicate with some others far away from me, imagine like it's just another way of sending "telegram"...with my lovely wireless headset on my bird nest head covering my ears for the cold air that it really keep me warm...again with the latest pop song of "暗戀“ from "David Tao"...

Monday, November 09, 2009

Wau!!! it's been a long time that i'd stop all this so called "small stories" of mine...
Think it's been too many reasons and excuses in my life to have stop me for writing all this stories...
even i myself now had been forgotten about my blog until one day one of my fren surprising me by asking about my blog then i realized...
It's been years, flash back, thing changed,people changed, environment changed, feeling of mine changed...anyway, who cares...